I sound like a bitch but really I just want to feel safe and not be exposed to things like sex, drugs, or drinking. I am not ready to handle that stuff and I want to feel safe while at Disney. If you are okay with these things please contact me because I need a roommate for 9/1
1. If I bring a member of the opposite sex home, will you vacate the room?
No, I will expect you NOT to bring them into our room and instead use THEIR room.2. Apartment nudity. Do you walk around naked a lot? Will you stop?
I do not, I will wear tank tops and shorts. Thats as close to nude as I get.3. We have only one "TV" room. What kind of shows do you watch, how much TV do you watch?
I watch Psych which is on once a week and might continue into September. I think thats about it.4. Do you plan on having many/any sleepovers? How often?
No because they are not allowed and I am a rule follower and if you have one I will report you.5. Do you swear? Can you tolerate swearing?
I swear a little and I can tolerate the amount I swear. 6. Speaking of morals, do you have them? How strict?
No sex, Drinking, or Drugs. I will report you and may even call the police.7. Liberal or Conservative?
Conservative Tea Partier but overall I hate politics and rather not waste time on them at Disney8. Are you religious? How religious? Do you care if your roommate isn't?
I am a non practicing catholic and I don't care what my roommate is as long as they respect me and my god and I will respect them and theirs, even if it is Athos god of Atheists9. Talking about sex...does it make you uncomfortable?
Yes, its gross and you don't need to share and you don't need it every day of your life.10. How about jokes about it? Not...that's what she said...I mean real crude humor.
Its okay until its TMI11. Are you easily offended?
Not really unless its about being fat or a personal attack.12. Bathroom habits, are you messy? Smelly? Take forever? Do you leave body hair stuck to the sink and/or drain?
I am messy when I get out I have towels around and I take a while because my hair is thick and never wants to let me take the soap out.13. Do you shower: How often and at what hour?
Every morning before work, and since I'm custodial I may need to take one after...14. Are you sarcastic? Does sarcasm bother you?
Not really, and it bothers me15. Do you need a lot of "alone time" in the room?
No16. If you are fortunate enough to have the opposite gender over, are you or can you be discreet? You know what I'm talking about.
I will not be having anyone over because I respect my roommates.17. Can you keep ^^^^^^^^ in your room? Or are you an exhibitionist?
No sex18. How many people have you killed?
None, I feel guilty when I squish a bug...19. If you won a million dollars while down there...would you treat your roommates :)??
Probably! 20. Will you verify my alibi? No matter what?
No, if you did something wrong I will probably report you and even take evidence. I am down there to work and enjoy myself, not take care of you and your vices.